Exercise Science & Training Conference

20.-22. February 2019 – Institute of Sports Science, University of Würzburg

German Exercise Science & Training Conference
German Society of Sport Science & Institute of Sports Science, University of Würzburg
We are fully booked

Welcome to GEST:19

Linking evidence-based Training Science & Practice


gest:19 aims to merge evidence-based knowledge for sports practice.


gest:19 welcomes students & professionals in academic research and sport professionals working in all areas of sport to broaden their knowledge, publish and discuss new research and interact internationally.


gest:19 hosted by the Institute of Sport Science, University of Würzburg; supported by the German Society of Sport Science, German Federal Institute of Sport Science and several sponsors.


GEST:19 is supported by the following companies & institutions

Keynote Speakers of GEST:19

John Hawley

Australian Catholic University, Australia
Concurrent training: The Muscles Perspective

Daniël Lakens

Eindhoven University of Technology
Young Investigator Workshop: Improving Approaches to Statistical Inferences for Sport Science Researchers

Hans-Christer Holmberg

Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Physiological & Biomechanical Limits to Human Performance: Insights from the Elite Cross-Country Skier

Guillaume Millet

University of Calgary, Canada
Neuromuscular Fatigue: Are Scientific Data Useful for Sport Performance?