Keynote Speakers

John Hawley
Australian Catholic University, Australia
Concurrent training: The Muscles Perspective

Guillaume Millet
University of Calgary, Canada
Neuromuscular Fatigue: Are Scientific Data Useful for Sport Performance?

Daniël Lakens
Eindhoven University of Technology
Young Investigator Workshop:
Improving Approaches to Statistical Inferences for Sport Science Researchers

Hans-Christer Holmberg
Swedish Winter Sports Research Centre, Mid Sweden University, Sweden
Physiological & Biomechanical Limits to Human Performance: Insights from the Elite Cross-Country Skier

Peter Düking
University of Würzburg, Germany
Monitoring Training Progress with Wearable Technology

Florian Engel
University of Heidelberg, Germany
High-Intensity Interval Training in Youth Athletes

Mark Pfeiffer
University of Mainz, Germany
REGmon: Athletes Monitoring and training prescription

Hannes Gatterer
EURAC Research Institute of Mountain Emergency Medicine, Bolzano, Italy
Hypoxic exposure in athletes

Sebastian Gehlert
University Hildesheim │ German Sport University Cologne
Resistance Exercise & Mechanical Stress: Between Muscle Anabolism, Damage & Mechanoprotection

Alexander Ferrauti
Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
REGman: Individualization in recovery science

Karsten Köhler
University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Modulating of body mass & performance through dietary protein

Lars Donath
German Sport University Cologne, Germany
Neuromuscular & cardiocirculatory exercise in various populations & settings

Christoph Zinner
University of Applied Sciences for Police & Administration of Hessen, Germany
Multidirectional sprinting in elite athletes

Mark Pfeiffer
University of Mainz, Germany
REGmon: Athletes Monitoring and training prescription

Silvia Achtzehn
German Sport University Cologne, Germany
Point-of-Care-Diagnostic: Monitoring adaptation & health

Paula Aschendorf
German Sport University Cologne, Germany
Multidirectional Sprinting in Basketball